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European Regulation for Protection of Personal Data


The GDPR determines in detail the requirements for the collection, the storage and the management of personal data from businesses and organizations.

The regulation is implemented if:

  • your business processes personal data and is based in the EU, no matter where the data process actually takes place
  • your business is based outside of the EU but processes personal data that are related with the supply of products or services to people within the EU, or monitors the behavior of people within the EU

European Instructions for CyberSecurity


The EU's rules for cybersecurity that where enacted in 2016 were updated with the NIS2 instructions that entered into force in 2024. It modernizes the existing legal place, so it goes along with the increased digitalization and the evolutionary place of threats in the cyberspace. 

With the expansion of the scope for the cybersecurity rules to new sections and entities, it further improves the toughness and the incident response abilities of public and private entities, of the authorities and of EU as a whole.

European Act for Digital Services

DS Act

The action for the digital services reminds the online intermediaries and platforms, like shopping, social media, content sharing platforms, app stores and online platforms for trips and accommodations.

The main target is the precaution of illegal and harmful activities inside the network and the misinformation, but also for the protection of the consumers. It promotes the security of users, it protects the fundamental rights, and it creates a fair and open environment for the online platforms.

Legislative Framework for the Artificial Inteligence

AI Act

 The goal of the law for the AI is to provide to the programmers and to the application agencies of AI clear requirements in the matter of specific usage of AI. At the same time, the regulation is intended to the reduction of administrative and financial burden for the businesses, mainly the small and medium size businesses.

The law for the AI is a part of a bigger package of policy measures for the support of the Development of reliable AI, which also includes a package of measures for the innovation of the AI and the coordinated plan for the AI. Those measures will guarantee for the security and for the fundamental rights of the people and businesses concerning the AI. It will also support the adoption, the Investments and the innovation of AI to all of the EU.

Implementation of the rules with the selection of appropriate solutions